To the work!

It’s March, and we only got one update in last month.  Well, here is a little update of what we did last week.

We have gotten around to the wood finishing on the ceiling.  Of course, we started with varnishing.  Then we put up the first batch of boards:

Varnishing The first boards going up! David did most the nailing

Then we had to varnish more boards:

Varnishing a second time

We decided that it might be worth bringing up the radial arm saw, which Nathanael used very skillfully:

Bringing in the saw Nathanael cutting a board

Here’s what it looks like today!  About three-quarters of the wood is up:

Three quarters done!

But that is not all we have done: in the winter here we get snow, so we had to shovel:

Nathanael shoveling Jonathan shoveling David shoveling

And the younger ones made a snow man!  Get ready for the picture:

The photographer! And the picture

Well, I guess you can see that we’ve been busy.  Here are the lyrics to a hymn that talk about getting “To the Work”:

To the work! to the work! we are servants of God,
Let us follow the path that our Master has trod;
With the might of His power our strength to renew,
Let us do by His grace what He calls us to do.

To the work! to the work! let the hungry be fed;
To the fountain of life let the thirsty be led;
In the cross and its vict’ry our glory shall be,
While we herald the tidings, “Salvation is free!”

To the work! to the work! in the strength of the Lord,
By the pow’r of His Name, with the light of His Word,
All the slaves of the darkness of Satan set free
And His riches of grace in His glory we’ll see.

Let us keep busy with the Lord’s work until He comes again!


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