washing windows
At last, here is the post (or perhaps I should say the first of several posts) for which everyone has been waiting. Thank you all for your patience!
I had never attended a wedding in my life before, let alone participated in and prepared for one. I had no idea how much goes into such an event! Long before the wedding day, talking, planning, cleaning, re-planning, etc. took place. Though the planning and discussing took much time, we actually have no photo documentation of that lengthy process. Someone did get one of some window washing, though.

wall lamp

a bouquet
Since the reception was to take place at our house, a lot of time went into decorating – both indoors and outdoors. Evelyn is our expert when it comes to working with silk flowers. It was fun to work with her to get everything looking nice. We decorated all the wall and ceiling lamps as well as the window sills, piano, and even the beam that runs the length of the room.

taking out the flue
A few of the decorations were actually disguises… Expecting to be tight on indoor space, we wanted to minimise floor space taken up by food and beverage tables. William suggested using our wood stove as a table for coffee and tea. Nathanael, arriving on the scene just then, proposed taking out the flue to facilitate things. What great ideas!

hiding the evidence
The only problem remaining was what to do with the bit of pipe hanging from the ceiling. (We didn’t want to run the risk of someone getting sooty coffee.) No problem!

Slipping a two litre Coaticook ice cream container over the remaining pipe (which actually fit perfectly!), covering it in tissue paper, wrapping it with twine, and placing flowers all around created a beautiful solution!

hidden wire
Another object necessitated some creative decorating. A ten-foot long wire hung out of a switch undergoing alteration. The situation was a little complicated in that the wire would go neither up nor down and the only solution appeared to be opening up the wall in order to remove it. Horrors! We were at that point only a week away from the wedding. We couldn’t undertake such a project and have the place looking nice in a week’s time! So, mustering our creative powers, we disguised the wire by coiling it up, wrapping it in our handy green tissue paper, covering it in plastic greenery and topping it off with flowers. And no one knew it wasn’t planned…


Decorating outdoors was kept simple. We erected a tarpaulin in case of rain or oppressive sunshine. A few balloons were hung. Unfortunately the rain and wind that night undid some of it, but the balloons were easily replaced.

making signs
Unlike at the farm where the ceremony was to be held, parking at our end was rather complicated. There was no room in our driveway for forty to fifty cars, however, our neighbour very kindly allowed us to have everyone park on his lawn. Signs to indicate where to go were put together. It is amazing how many little things had to be considered!
Though I don’t want my readers left in suspense any longer than necessary, I believe I will have to end this post here. Stay tuned! The next instalment of the story should soon be forthcoming.