What a difference shearing makes! Here is Chipit before:
Monthly Archives: March 2018
Lamb guess!
April is on its way and lambing season is just around the corner. Our first ewe due to lamb is Chipit and she looks like it!
Sadly, she also isn’t doing the best. The weight of her lamb(s) is making her tire easily and we were startled to discover yesterday that she sometimes struggles to walk about and lie down. A vet visit relieved us of the possibility of hypocalcemia or pregnancy toxemia. His suggestion was that she has suffered some kind of trauma to her spinal column. Our best option is to keep her quiet, fed, and watered and hope that the arrival of the lambs will relieve her of added pressure.
So, we are doubly eager for the lambs to appear! If anyone wants to take a guess at how many ewe lambs and/or ram lambs she will have, just reply to this post and let us know what you think!
Continued update!
February was rolling toward March when we struck out for the “sunny south” to attend a FEW conference in North Carolina! As we travelled, we felt that we were experiencing time-lapse! The winter melted into spring in just two days – going from a couple feet of ice and snow to leafing shrubs, blooming pear trees, and flowering daffodils!
The conference was terrific: it was a real encouragement to fellowship with believers we had not before met, to hear challenging sessions on remaining focused on Christ and holding tightly to His Word, and to jump in and serve with the FEW team.
Amy was delighted to meet Dr. Jobe Martin. She loves watching the “Creatures of Creation” and the “Incredible Creatures” DVD’s that Dr. Martin and his family have produced.
Then we returned home – seeing time-lapse in reverse – in time to welcome another snowstorm. I went out to get a few snowy pictures…
and got distracted by the cats!
I thought we had friendly animals around here…
A few random photos of things that we do…
Part of what has kept us busy is the wool processing. We have finally finished spinning Chipit’s and Maple’s fleeces into yarn.
And just in time… shearing season (and lambing season!) is just around the corner. Which reminds me, I need to make another post…
“And whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.”
Bringing it up to date
It seems I’m always doing this: going a long time without posting much and then covering several months of activity! But, as they say, “Better late than never.” So here is a run-down of the Frazer family activities for the past little while, though I may split it over several posts.
The Christmas season was a little less busy than some years. We did manage to get out to visit our grandparents – a really special time.
Other winter activities included a fellowship/skating event at New Years’…
an attempt at making our own rink (sadly a January thaw put an end to that)…
and some winter hiking in the Whites for Daddy and Mommy.
Somehow we’ve managed to find ourselves butchering in January the past couple of years. Putting an 8-month-old ram lamb in the freezer was a first for us.
Another winter activity was quilting. I made a quilt for a very good friend of mine – an incredibly fun project!
And then Mommy and I actually got to attend her wedding.
On the way there we saw the beginning of the lunar eclipse.
The nieces and nephews continue to grow up. They bring such joy!
Bunny time!
Our spring batch of baby rabbits is, Lord willing, on its way! We just bred 8 of our 9 females. Before they pull out their fur for their babies, we took pictures of them.
Here are our bucks:
Other than our original rabbit, Smokey, our does all have small candy names:
Cinnamon Hearts is the only one we didn’t breed simply because we don’t have space. She and Champ are actually for sale. Anyone looking for a couple of friendly bunnies? The babies should be ready to go in May and can be reserved ahead of time, too.
And of course, the cat somehow knew that it was time for portraits…
Streusel couldn’t sit around posing, though.
We are eager to see where the Lord will take our rabbit venture. It seems He has been opening doors to sell many more than previously.