Well, I guessed correctly that I wouldn’t have time for an update before Christmas. But I didn’t expect to leave this much time between posts!
Our Christmas chalk talk was presented several times. Evelyn joined the chalk artists this year which turned out to be very providential as she ended up having to take over on drawing David’s part in one presentation due to sick girls in his family.

Christmas this year was very unique. Since the 25th landed on Sunday, we decided to postpone our usual celebrations until the 26th and had our regular Sunday meeting and fellowship meal Christmas Day followed by a fun time of games in the afternoon.

Our own Christmas celebration was a quiet, pleasant day with our traditional turkey diner. New dining room tables called for elegant dishes to match.

The next event was a New Year’s Eve party with the M______ family. Skating, sliding, and Christian fellowship made for a wonderful afternoon.

Several of the S_____ family also joined the New Year’s Eve celebration and came to spend a day with us afterwards. We had an enjoyable time with more skating and pingpong.

The year had hardly begun when we undertook the HUGE project of cleaning up the house from top to bottom… or rather, from bottom to top. We started with the basement meeting room: sorting all the fabric and boxing them neatly, doing repairs that materialised as we organised, throwing out junk that had accumulated, and generally straightening everything up. As soon as that was done, we tackled the workroom. We call it the workroom, but the truth was that it had turned into a “catch all,” storage place. It hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned in a VERY long time. Usually we say that during cleaning, a place looks worse before it looks better, but I’m not sure that was the case this time! The end results were a radical improvement. We can actually do some woodworking now! Evelyn and I did some reupholstering on some broken chairs that had been awaiting repairs.

Other projects came up as things broke down. The faucet in the bathtub began leaking, necessitating not only a new faucet and shower, but also a new tub surround. We are glad for the pressure sensitive valve that was installed! The heater in the same bathroom needed changing not long afterwards.

And in all the busyness, the buttermaking kept on with an output of about 20lbs a week…

… until the mixer broke down!

Thankfully, it is fixed now. But it wasn’t the only thing to break down… We woke one Saturday morning to find that the fridge was “operating” at room temperature. Though the repairman managed to get it running again, he said it won’t last much longer. A new fridge was in order.

On the “mini farm” side of things, the rabbits are multiplying in leaps and bounds (pun intended 🙂 ), the calves are growing nicely and cows are giving lots of milk… too much, so we’re selling Mocha. It looks likes she’ll have a nice home on a beef farm where a little family cow is wanted for some milk. And while I was out taking pictures of Mocha for the “For Sale” sign, I shot a few of the other cows just because I like photographing animals!

Aren’t I cute?

Oh, and of course the cat. She had to sneak into the blog post somewhere!
So, that is what has been going on in the Frazer home!  Well, no, not quite all that has been going on…  An update wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the little ones! But photos of them would make this post rather long, so I’ll give them an entry all to themselves! 🙂