August 4th, 5:00 a.m. Nathanael’s cellphone rang. The momentous day had finally arrived and the weather did not look very promising. A decision needed to be made now. “Was the ceremony to be at the top of the hill or in the hay shelter?” Mr. Taylor asked the two grooms to pray together, and make the decision. A few minutes later, they called him back. Both felt confident that as God had lead so clearly until now, demonstrating through His repeatedly perfect provision that He desired all the glory of this union to be strictly His, He would not allow His glory to be displaced now. At 6:00 a willing team was at the top of the hill laying out hay bales, decorating, setting up the signing table and guest book table, etc. Grey clouds scuttled continuously across the sky, but withheld their contents.
At our end, chores were again done in haste and all but Daddy, Mommy, and the two grooms piled into the van and headed to the farm. Once there, we joined in the last minute decorating and helped out where we could. The photographer arrived with his team. Two of his daughters assisted with the photography while the eldest daughter and a friend shined up the horses – a beautiful final touch to the decorations on the hill!
The grooms arrived with Daddy and Mommy. A tie tying session ensued and boutonnieres were pinned on. During this time, a problem was discovered with the sound system at the top of the hill. Nathanael quickly dashed off to try to solve it. (Nothing like keeping the groom busy on his wedding day!) He returned back to the house just in time for the grooms’ photo session with their parents. About this time, the sun began to make itself seen from time to time. The horizon all around, however, remained dark with heavy clouds.
Once the grooms had headed up the hill, the girls emerged from the house: another photo session.
The photos over, it was now time for the remaining wedding party members to head up the hill. But I’ll save that for the next post.
Thank-you, Elizabeth, for all your work to bring the blog up to date! (or almost!!! 🙂 What a day that was… FAR BEYOND DESCRIPTION!!!
David, I am so grateful to be married to you…my handsome, faithful man! I love you!!!
I do very much agree with you! 🙂 I love you, too, my priceless darling, and thank God every day for you.
Estimada familia Frazer: los saludo con la paz de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesus Cristo, reciban bendiciones desde Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hace poco que descubri su blog y me interesa y lo sigo a menudo para leer sus publicaciones. Me gustan los blogs de familias Cristianas y sigo a algunos, sobretodo los que tienen muchos hijos, como nosotros, 9 propios y 3 adoptados con necesidades especiales. Estoy mirando las fotos del casamiento, que estaba esperando que las publicaran, las novias estan muy bellas, toda la familia elegantes pero sencillos, como debe ser el atavio de los hijos de Dios. Les hago una pregunta : los señoritas con las que se casaron los hermanos Frazer son hermanas? Pertenecen a la misma familia? Ustedes son Cristianos, Bautistas, Prebisterianos o a que denominacion Cristiana pertenecen? Ustedes de donde son? Sientanse libres de responder, por favor me gustaria que me contesten, reciban muchas bendiciones de parte de esta familia que ama a Jesu Cristo y predica la Santa Palabra de Dios.